

Buy / Register

Don’t worry, we’ll help you !
  1. Have you checked to see if the registration email was placed in your spam folder ?
  2. Is your email address registered with Paypal still valid ?
  3. Contact us with Facebook Messenger facebook or with the Contact form. (We usually respond within 24 hours)
  4. If we have not been able to establish contact with you after a few weeks, we will give you a refund.
Common reasons that registration fails :
  • Registration email placed in the spam folder.
  • Registration email blocked by client mail server.
  • Client mailbox is full.
  • Paypal email address is no longer valid.
  1. Click “BUY NOW” button in the Buy menu.
  2. Login to Paypal or choose to pay with a credit card and complete the checkout.
  3. You will be redirected to the Thank you page.
  4. Click the link provided to complete the registration. (Or check your emails for the same link, if not check in spam emails)
  5. Choose a Username and Password and click “Register”.

You have to buy the calculator first, then you will be redirected to the Register page.

For now, there is no solution to buy the calculator if you live in a Paypal restricted country. But we are looking forward to find a solution.


You can login to 2 devices at the same time with your account. If a third device is used, all other sessions will be disconnected.

From time to time we will do polls to ask users the car they want to be added and we will add those that are the most requested. But please don’t ask to add new car models.

Adding a car takes a lot of time and data, accurate informations are difficult to obtain. You also have to add the images in order to get a visual idea. This is why Wheel-it-fit is different from other generic calculators.

In the past the calculator was free but could only calculate 86 and WRX platforms, it was also hosted on a third party server. Now we have a quality hosting and have control over updates, which allows us extend the calculator to more automotive communities and provide quality customer service. We have a day job and work on the calculator in our spare time, your financial contribution is therefore greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!

We would like to thank the people who provided photos, graphics, informations for the website and calculator !


Accordion Content

Yes ! The Lada 2107 serve as a demo car, the measurements are not perfectly accurate, the purpose is only to demonstrate the functionalities of the calculator. You can try it here :


Data in red means that there is a fitment problem. If the problem is the “Suspension”, you can put coilovers so you can have a little extra room for wider wheels.

If the data in red are “Speedo error” and “Real speed…” than it means that the tire size is not recommended for this car. A general rule is that the tire cannot be more than 2% bigger and less than 3% smaller than the OEM size.